Are you looking for a good enterprise SMS archiving solution to use in your business? With more business being doneover text these days, more companies now need a system to archive these messages.
Since text messages are particularly susceptible to being lost or deleted, it is very important for them to be archived. Even though most email platforms have Trash and Search features that help to retain emails, most text messaging systems are built on the idea of messages being disposable. In a business context, the loss or deletion of a crucial text message exchange could have devastating consequences, especially in case of an audit or legal discovery situation.
When choosing a text message archiving solution to use in your business, you need to make sure that it will help you remain compliant. Regulations from the SEC, FINRA, and others require businesses to keep all records of official communications. Even though most companies that fall under these regulations recognize the importance of keeping emails, there are some that are not aware that these regulations apply to SMS messages as well.
While a quick text exchange with the client may not seem as official as sending an email, both forms of communication are equally admissible in the eyes of regulators. Findings from research show that a lot of companies are struggling to keep up with these regulations. Only about half of all business communications are archived. Countless text messages, official web pages, social media posts, and other pieces of business communication are lost each year by non-compliant companies. So you need to SMS archiving software if you want to
remain compliant.
For more tips on how to choose the right enterprise SMS archiving solution for your business, visit our website at